
话筒可以直接影响配音质量吗? Can the microphone directly affect the quality of dubbing?

2022-01-07 11:19:35

  I believe everyone knows that dubbing is closely related to the earpiece. Of course, this is not simple. The host and recorder require a lot of electronic equipment to complete the dubbing. For the tuner, the microphone is absolutely the most important. They do not need to understand these devices, but for some important devices directly related to dubbing, the tuner should understand its basic principles and usage methods.
  Microphone and camera are electronic devices directly used by dubbing and host in their work. If they do not know how to use headphones and cameras, their sound and images will be affected for technical reasons. Familiarity with these devices will help them in dubbing and hosting. In different workplaces, the voice-over and the host will contact different mobile phones. When you are out for an interview, you can use a long microphone similar to a stick, while in the dubbing room, you can use a microphone on the table or a miniature microphone fixed to the collar. These headphones come in different shapes and belong to different types. Have different responses to different microphones, and understand their performance characteristics for correct use.
  Generally speaking, microphones rely on internal film to convert the sound. The air vibration caused by the voice can stimulate the film in the microphone and cause it to vibrate. The film in the earphone responds to sound basically the same as the human ear. The earpiece converts the vibration of the film into electrical signals, which can be transmitted to sound effect stations, recorders and other related equipment. The job of the microphone is to convert sound energy into electrical energy. According to the internal structure, microphones can be divided into different types.
  There are three most commonly used radio and television microphones: ribbon microphones, dynamic microphones and condenser microphones. Ribbon microphones are also called rate microphones. The earpiece has a metal band between the poles of the magnet. The air vibration caused by the sound causes the metal plate to move and generate an electric current. This kind of earpiece can adapt to larger sound frequencies and is sensitive to sound. This kind of earphone responds well to the human voice frequency and the sound is beautiful. It is also not affected by changes in air pressure, humidity and temperature. In addition, headphones are not sensitive to reflected sound.
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